Monday, June 23, 2014

"Driver Power State Failure" for Network Techies & Multiple Drives

Ever heard of the "blue Screen of Death?"  On Windows 8?  This is different from the screens Ive seen with past versions.

(The new Windows 8 "Blue Screen of Death")

Ever since we upgraded our desktop from Windows 8.0 to Windows 8.1, we've been receiving this "Driver Power State Failure" error--even though our system was unable to upgrade at the end (tried three times already).  This became problematic when the system would not come out of sleep mode or it would just restart itself without warning into a frozen Windows start-up screen.  At this point, I would have to manually restart it.  Otherwise, it will lock itself up.  Or it would come out of sleep and freeze at whatever screen it was at before sleeping.  Sometimes, it would restart (or start) with a series of clicking noises before freezing on the Windows screen.  I Googled this up and tried everything that they recommended--from updating the driver files to deleting them.  I even did a complete system restore (in addition to the numerous system recoveries) to no avail.

(The frozen restart screen--nte the Windows window by itself)

At the same time, I also had problems with my Bluetooth connections.  After paring a BT device, the computer refuses to see or acknowledge that it is connected--even though the device properties says that it is connected to the device.  However according to the PC Settings, the device is registered as being offline.  Yes, basically, there are mixed messages.  I even tried adding a BT dongle to no avail.

Eventually, I called Microsoft about the BT issue (since it was still under the 1 year warranty).  This was an ordeal in itself--entering in my Model # and SN# to validate if I am still under warranty before giving me the customer service number and everything else that comes with customer service from India--no offense.  After some quick troubleshooting, they said that the problem was my device and not the computer.  If I want technical support for the device, I would have to pay.  I was sure it wasn't the device because my laptop, tablet and cellphone registers the BT devices are working now every time I try to connect.

I also tried calling them about the driver power error but their system said that I am no longer under the warranty since I had the system since...2012?  I just bought it this past year because my old one had a power failure.  So they wouldn't even show me the number for customer service this time (should have kept it somewhere the first time).

After being frustrated about these two issues, I packed the system for a replacement at Best Buy.  But unable to go that day, I had some time to think about the issues here (otherwise, it would be a 45 minute trek--with the family).  The night before I was scheduled to go, I finally figured out what it was.  Believe it or not, it was one of the drives (from an older computer) that I had attached to my unit.  And the clicking noises at startup was from one of those faulty drives.  After detaching those drives, I no longer had the error or problems.  The computer (Windows Explorer) wasn't even registering them anyway.  But I did leave an old drive that was working properly.  Plus, the Bluetooth devices are now connecting (almost) every time!

(The normal Windows start screen--note the Windows window with the twirling light (hour glass?))

Hope this helps you.

Unfortunately, my device will not be able to upgrade to Windows 8.1 (getting some kind of error) so I'll have to see what happens from here.  But at least my desktop won't be restarting without notice or freezing from sleep and the BT devices works!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

What Are The Issues Around Blogging and Pictures?

You really don't want to get sued by someone because you are using their (hard earned) pictures on your site (copyright), especially if you're making some kind of money from the site.  But there are times that you just have to post some kind of picture because a blog without pictures can be unattractive and even a bore to read.  Well, I was able to dig up some articles about this and will share them with you.

Here's an article about the need to consider copyright:

It comes down to permission.  When putting up the pictures online, the author would have given or implied whether they give you permission (full or part) or not. Partial permission can be anything from non-profit use only to an embedded link.  And the safest thing to do is to ask the author.

Here are the basics on copyright:

This site basically covers definitions.

I also read in another site that a lot of it is contextual, depending on the nature of usage.  You can Google this, if you are interested in finding out more.

Hope this helps!


Free image sites (please see Terms of Service for each):
I Can Has Cheezburger
Flickr (Creative Commons)
Deviant Art
IMDb (movies, etc.)
Wikimedia Commons
MS Office Image Gallery
Corbis Images

For videos (note that some be be removed after being posted):

Columbia University Libraries checklist.

Monday, June 16, 2014

The Freezer/Fridge Won't Shut, Ice Melted and Our Food Has Thawed

Now, how do we fix that?  Or do we need to call someone who knows about fridges?

We came home, after a long day in the big city, and as soon as I opened my door, I could smell some rotten meat.  I thought it may have been some animal scavenging meat somewhere or one of the trash cans, which was full, and ignored it.  Then I walked to turn on the lights in the carport and as I looked over at the corner where the freezer was, I saw a crack.  We didn't close the freezer door properly and now all the food are thawed, including some that may have froze rotten.

Well, I Googled up "fridge door magnetic strip not working" and found out that it is called a "Door Casket."

Here is a conversation where I got the lead to some appliance parts websites:
To find the part, you will need the model # of your fridge.

Here is where you can find your model #:

Ours, obviously, is on the left inside wall of the freezer (pictured here).

I saw some door casket options for $75 and as low as $40.  When I searched specifically for ours, it ranged around $100.  Here are some prices for ours, if you're interested in a price comparison.

Because it was the most inexpensive (part & shipping), we bought our door casket from Easy Appliance!

Now, wish me luck getting the pice on...  :-O

Friday, June 13, 2014

What About Frozen the Movie?

The movie, Frozen, has become quite a phenomena...among both adults and children.  The values demonstrated and delivered from this animated Disney rendition of a (possibly) Danish folk tale reflects that of today's American cultural values, which I will expound on later in this blog.

Ever since the movie came out in the theaters, I had wanted to take my son and (distant) niece to see the movie at the theaters (even though she had already watched it "seven times").  However, we never got that chance--between teaching and babysitting/family.  Before you know it, the movie had come out on DVD already--thank you Red Box!

While watching the movie, I was (in a way) inspired that the creators would emphasize on the principle of "being who you are made to be"--as indicated in the song, "Let It Go."  (Pause for the fans to finish singing the stanza).

(Permission by Fair Use at IMPAwards)

OK, now...where were we?  Oh yeah...

The idea here is that society may pressure you to keep your strong gifts/personalities to yourself--in fear of not hurting others.  For example Elsa, the main character, had to be locked up most of her life in order to not accidentally shoot a snow blast at her sister--or anyone else.  However, the struggle is that one would not be true to him-/herself.  Elsa realized what she was missing out once she ran away from the palace (and villagers) and created her own ice palace deep into the mountains.

At first, I was impressed with the movie.  However, further reflection on it lead me to become quite disappointed.  First, I was disappointed that the overarching theme (at least from my perspective) is to obtain self-control and channel one's strong gifts/personalities toward benefiting others but the problem is when you consider the point (or theme) of the theme song, "Let It Go."  How can you obtain self-control by just letting things go?

To make this short, personally, I don't think that self-expression will facilitate for self-restraint and, much less, self-control.  Those are different concepts.  Self-expression, in my opinion, can set things up to work towards self-restraint and self-control...because how can self-restraint or self-control be practiced, if there is no self-expression to work with in the first place?

My final disappointment is that, at the end, the "Snow Queen," Elsa, was the one who, not only brought snow and ice to the land (or stopped it from coming), but she also ushered in Spring?  I'm not trying to make something big out of something minute order to be consistent with the dynamics of gifts and personalities, one tends to be more one than the other--not both and.

With that being said, I thought the movie was quite entertaining (and even hilarious at certain points).  It's entertainment value is quite high in my book...but in terms of philosophical value, it is indicative of the self-expressive culture that we live in today--one without any restraints.

For those interested, here is the original folk tale version:

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

What About Godzilla (2014) the Movie?

I went to watch Godzilla with Alina and Levi (leaving the rest of the family members to sleep and a friend and distant relative, Toudo, to watch the house).  I did not know what to expect except that there were some raving reviews from the guys who have seen it and upsetting reviews from the ladies.  :-O

We left at 9:30 pm and caught the 10:00 pm show.  We were not sure if Levi was going to make it but...he did.  Of course, mommy allowed him to bring his blankie--which was very comfortable, I gotta say.  :-)

During the movie, I was wondering how the crossing of indigenous Japanese myths with industrial and technological modernity may have contributed to the creation of the building-destroying creature.  After watching the movie we had a conversation about the whole idea of Godzilla. 

Alina:  I thought Godzilla was a bad guy?

Me:  No, he's a good guy...that can cause a lot of destruction.

Alina:  But how come planes are always shooting at him?

Me:  Because he seems hideous and dangerous--like King Kong.  Military personnel are afraid of him and just wants to get rid of him.

In a way, he's like a well-intended dragon.  He means well and wants to help save the people.  At the same time, he can cause a lot of damage.

Like Godzilla, when we think of hurtful people in our lives, we don't realize their good intentions, especially when the hurtful things they say and do paints a grim picture of who they are.  Many times, we retaliate--not realizing this--sometimes, out of hurt or pain and sometimes out of fear.  Either way, the results can be a perpetual mudslinging (or psychological/physical bashing back-and-forth) until someone gets hurt or someone gives up.  In the end, we end up with scars on each other that may have not been necessary, only if we had seen the goodness of Godzilla in them. 

Let's look at it this way:  when we enter into a relationship, whether it be by choice (like marriage) or not (like parent-child, most of the time student-teacher, etc.), we never really intended to hurt the other.  We don't start with relationships, saying, "My goal is to make my parents/kids/wife/husband's life miserable."  Somehow, things transpired from the beginning point and a later point that had sent the relationship spiraling downward.

What is my solution?  In the beginning, be mindful of the goodness of Godzilla and learn to take what people say and do with a grain of salt.  In other words, don't let what they say, do or think get to you.  However after that point, there needs to be forgiveness and reconciliation--better for both (or all involved) but not necessary.  What is important is that at least you have come to take your steps toward establishing peace between you...and your "Godzilla"--whether it be the other or yourself--or both.  At the end, it's the peace of knowing that you've done your part and what you can to restore your relationship--with the other and yourself.

What I will be blogging about?

I would like to write on some subjects.  As a result, I am collecting my thoughts together throughout this blogging journey about those subjects.

Thanks for joining me!  Please share my posts with others who would be interested, too!

They are as follows:
  • The challenges and tips on raising triplets plus.
  • An analysis of the popular cultural elements in America from the perspective of an anthropologist (movies, books, documentaries, technology, etc.).
  • An analysis of the church in America (Hmong and otherwise) from the perspective of an anthropologist.
  • Socio-cultural challenges to the family and thoughts for family members to consider (manhood, etc.).

  • Evaluation of new computer technologies (that I have, such as the Surface Pro, Windows 8.1 and on-line programs like Blogger).

  • Current Projects:
    • The Ministry of Uncling
    •  Raising Multiples in a World of Singletons
    • The Measures of a Man
    • Standing in the Face of Challenges

    • Troubleshooting driver failures for multiple drives.